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Thursday, October 06, 2005

LookOnline.US Is it Really As Simple As That?

Sometimes you see an advertiser on TV and they give their website address. Most of us will type the name in the address bar of our Internet Explorer, but if we mispell it or don't remember it right, we may end up somewhere totally different. Also, good names are getting so scarce you have to resort to websites ending in .net, .biz, or something else.

A solution has been found to this problem, a whole new concept in advertising. A new website has been launched called LookOnline.US. They only offer 50 banner spots on their website, but if you are one of those spots, you are also given permission to use their name in all of your advertising, and their slogan "Look For Us On LookOnline.US". Your potential customer will type in and scroll through the 50 banners placed there looking for yours.

They also offer a new concept in advertising for selling your car, home, boat, motorcycle or similar items to your local area. Ever driven by a car someone had for sale in a parking lot or in their front yard? You see the For Sale Sign and then you might have to pull over or at least slow down to write the phone number down and that's if you have a pen. Some people will call you right then on their cell phone. Odds are though, if given a choice between calling you and asking a bunch of questions about a car you have for sell, if they are given the option they can just go to LookOnline.US, see pictures and get all the information they need about your car. When your phone rings, you know you have a person that is informed and more than likely "ready to buy".

For a low price, they provide you with the sign to put in your yard or on your vehicle. You simply provide the pictures and information to them, and if you're in the local area, they'll even come by and take the pictures for you. I'm sure as they grow, you will soon have the option no matter where you live to have someone come take the pictures for you.

If you need great advertising for your online website, jump on board while there's still room.


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