I have to tell you that Smorty has been really good to work for. No, there not paying me for this post or any posts on this blog. I wanted to tell you about a new program they just started a few minutes ago...literally. They started a new program today to refer new bloggers. The thing you'll probably find out with Smorty is that they want blogs that have a page rank and are indexed. For some reason this blog isn't indexed or page ranked so I use my other blog for Smorty's posts. It can't hurt to try to submit your blog for approval. For the first week or so the selection of things to write about wasn't that good, but here lately there has been more variety. Also, I don't think there is a limit to how many you can post. I do try to keep my blog with at least half personal posts and half paid posts so I try to do at least one to two posts a day for Smorty. They have paid me every week and even paid me early this week. I highly recommend them.

i agree! they pay well. =D
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