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Monday, October 29, 2007

Work From Home

About a month ago, I got put in a position where it was either sink or swim and right now I'm swimming for my life. I'm very fortunate that there is another paycheck coming in my home from my soon-to-be husband (this coming Sunday we're getting married!). I wouldn't advise you to quit your job today and start working from home, but if you're already at home or are interested in working from home, this is definitely worth your time to read.

Opportunities to work from home are sought after every day by stay-at-home moms and moms that wish they could be stay-at-home moms. It seems that legitimate work from home opportunities are very few and far between. However, I have found a few places that are legitimate and if you work hard at it, can be used to bring in an income. In the days and nights to come, I'll be giving you a rundown on the ones that I've found and am actually using. Also, I'll tell you honestly what you can expect and give you tips on what I've learned on how to make the most of the service you're using.

The services I currently use are paid to blog or paid to write sites. Later on I may have other things I'm doing besides this, but for right now, this is what I'm doing.

Associated Content

My first article was published by Associated Content on June 3, 2006, called When Relationships Fail We Are Still Loved By God. Three days later, I was paid $5.00 to my PayPal account. Over the next few months I wrote a few more articles and was paid between $5.00 and $6.00 for each. Since that time, AC has gotten a little more picky about what they pay you upfront to publish. However, they will still pay you to publish articles, it just may not be upfront. I will say this though, I've never had an article completely rejected by AC.

To get paid upfront for an article, they want articles that are not already common to AC. You can find out what they already have in their inventory by going to their website and using keywords to search their content. I've been paid between $8.00 and $9.00 for an article with unique content. So, while they won't accept just anything anymore, they do seem to pay a little better for what they do accept. There is a monthly newsletter that will give you ideas on what kind of content to write about.

AC also has what they call Calls for Content. After you sign up, you can check under your messages tab and every so often they will have different articles they will offer you an upfront amount for. Generally, I check this tab several times throughout the day and night. It will give you a description of what your article should include, what the minimum number of words in your article should be and how much time you have to submit it. I've published several articles this way. It seems to have the quickest turn around time in getting your article reviewed, published and paid for within 24 to 48 hours. I submitted this article, Where to Buy the Best Xbox 360 Game Bundle, and had $7.50 paid to my PayPal account within about 6 hours. Other articles I've submitted generally get published and paid for within 3 to 5 days, but it can take up to 2 weeks. I've never had any take this long, however, I did submit my first video 4 days ago so I'm thinking videos may take a little longer. I'll keep you up-to-date on the video and let you know what it pays.

The other way that AC pays is called Performance Payments. These are paid once a month and are determined by how many views your articles get. For every 1,000 views you get $1.50. While this doesn't seem like a bunch of money, it potentially can be if you work at getting people to read your articles.

Linky Love Army

I've just recently started with Linky Love Army, but I'm already thrilled to be writing for them. Anytime I've had questions, and I've had a few, my emails have been replied to very quickly. It's a growing company, so it's a good opportunity to get started on the ground floor and grow with them. They have some very good ideas that are in the making and I expect that in the future I'll be making some decent money with them.

I signed up both of my blogs with Linky Love Army and they were both accepted. I'm not sure exactly how long it took between signing up and getting my first mission, but obviously it was an acceptable amount of time since I'm far from complaining! Unfortunately, I was cleaning up my inbox this weekend and unintentionally deleted a few emails that would have contained this information. However, I'm pretty sure I signed up Monday morning and was approved later that day. I completed my first mission Thursday that was assigned to each blog and was paid today. They pay once a week to your PayPal account.

Depending on what page rank your blog is, determines how much you will get paid for your mission, but they are upfront on what you will be paid if you accept the mission. On this blog, which doesn't have a page rank yet, I was paid $5.00, but on my other blog, which has a page rank of 3, I was paid $8.00. Like I said before though, they are a growing company and so far I've only received one mission for each blog and there aren't anymore missions posted yet, but because I'm signed up with them now, I know in the future I will be first in line when more missions come rolling in.

If you're interested in signing up for Associated Content or Linky Love Army, click on the buttons below. If you have any questions, leave a comment or email me and I'll respond quickly, as I'm normally near the computer!

Join Associated Content


Blogger audrey` said...

Hi Bride-to-be

Have a very fabulous wedding day =)
God bless both of you.

Monday, October 29, 2007 4:28:00 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Ok- you could knock me over with a feather about now! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

I signed up the other day with AC through your badge on your other web-site. Now, I'm going to check out this other one you've mentioned. Don't give up on PPP quite yet, it does work and they do pay. Question for you about AC, I submitted an article and it says "incomplete" ?

Monday, October 29, 2007 4:44:00 PM  
Blogger Chris Beason said...

Question for you about AC, I submitted an article and it says "incomplete" ?

Click on the My Content tab and then the e beside your article. Make sure you keep clicking Save & Next until you get to the Finish & Preview button. After clicking that it will submit your article for review.

Friday, November 02, 2007 4:45:00 AM  

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