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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Day 29: Accepting Your Assignment

Question to Consider: What is holding me back from accepting God's call to serve Him?

My assignment is too hard. I am too weak. Sometimes I worry that my faith isn't strong enough, my love isn't strong enough. This is more than I can handle. What good can I be too Him because I have to depend solely on Him to give me strength? What good can I be if everytime I run into a brick wall and get hurt I come crying to Him?

Early this morning, I screamed at Him, "God! I'm NOT strong enough to do this!" I needed an answer so I went to the church to pray. When I got there, no one was around. It was still dark outside. The sun was just starting to rise. I pulled in the parking lot and said, "This is the closest I can get to where I feel I need to be, so we're just going to sit here in the car and I'm going to pray and I'm not leaving until you answer me." And I prayed.

After a while and not knowing what else to say, I sat back in my seat and I waited. I noticed that morning had broken. Everything was still and quiet. One by one, I saw the birds returning to their nests. They never question if their life is too hard to live. Every morning, they fly out of their nest and go and find food. They don't worry about if today is going to be harder than it was yesterday or if they might run across something that might try to end their life. They just live, because that's what God created them to do. He takes care of them. Worms and bugs are plentiful and when they're not, He puts it on our hearts to feed them.

Being satisfied that was my answer, I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving down the street. Before I could even blink, much less react, a squirrel ran out in the road in front of me because it was chasing another squirrel. I could almost swear that squirrel looked me in the eyes right before he crouched down and stayed still while my car went over him. As I drove away, I realized that God must have put His hand over that squirrel to keep him right where he was because if he would have ran either way, he would have ended up under one of my tires.

Sometimes when we find ourselves going along like we're supposed for Him, we don't see trouble coming. He cared enough about a little squirrel who will never be able to go and tell anyone how much God cared about him to save his life. How much more does He love His own.

I can't live my life without God. It's too hard. When He's the only one around for me to depend on, I know without a doubt that I can.


Blogger Diane B said...

QA: Looking to see if I am able to serve where I am . Asking myself do I see fruit ? If not I certainly need to wait for my spiritual gifts to mature before I move on.

Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:24:00 PM  

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