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Friday, November 25, 2005

That's How Much I Love You

Last night after I blogged, I started reading other I sometimes do. I went from the blogs I normally read to clicking on links to other blogs that they normally read. Please don't ask me how I got there or what the blog name was even called, because I don't remember. All I remember was thinking go through everything they've been through and leave their home to go "gospel-proclaiming".

Ever since then, I keep thinking to myself...could I give up this, can I sell this, do I really need this. If I can do without all of that stuff, if I needed to, would I give up things that are even more important to me....if God asks me too, would I take my family overseas and go "gospel-proclaiming"? Would I go even if my family won't go with me?

On the way home in the car tonight, I told my family about the blog I'd read and started asking them what they thought about doing something like that. They were all for it. My oldest daughter even said, "that would be cool, I would be able to go overseas twice!" Her senior class (in three years) is planning a trip overseas for their senior trip. She didn't know about sleeping in a tent, but my husband was all for that! I was over-joyed that I'd answered yes.

That question almost had me, but I said yes because I knew that God was testing how much I trusted him. His intentions are not to cause us pain. We cause ourselves pain sometimes because we don't trust him and we start controlling where we're going in life. I was watching the movie Family Man and a line in it made me think...that's how much I love God and I was able to prove it to him tonight.

In the movie, Kate's husband was being offered a job in New York City with twice the salary, as well as a huge step up into society, and a big huge apartment that looked like a museum compared to where she lived now...a quiet little suburban neighborhood with great schools for their kids to go to, miles and miles away from all the glitz and glamour and money of New York City. Which I remember her husband referring to as "the Roman Empire"...wonder if that has any significance?

They were sitting in their house and she looked at him and said...I don't remember the exact words...when I chose you, I thought you wanted the same things I wanted, the things that we have now, but because I love you, if you want me to move our kids there and this is what you really want, then I'll go, wherever you move I will follow you...if that's what you want me to do, I will because that's how much I love you.


Blogger Goingintoalltheworld said...

Thanks for the comment on our blog. I don't know how serious you were about what you said, but if you're serious about going overseas to help proclaim the gospel, I'd love to share more with you about how you could get involved. There's a huge need - hundreds of millions of people worldwide are dying without ever having heard of what Jesus did for them. I usually don't like posting my e-mail address online, but you can get in touch with me at I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to direct you to get involved in missions somehow - whether it be short term, long term, or just praying for missionaries. I really appreciate some of the posts on your blog regarding your walk with the Lord and how important it is to you. Maybe this is the time the Lord is calling you to get even more involved in proclaiming His love!

Please feel free to drop by our blog anytime:

Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:48:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Smith said...

All comments on my blog are moderated so that I review them before they are published. I know how important it is for J & B to keep their information private, so I deleted their email address from this comment. If you'd like to get in touch with them, please follow the link here to their blog and leave a comment for them. Thanks!


Thanks for the comment on our blog. I don't know how serious you were about what you said, but if you're serious about going overseas to help proclaim the gospel, I'd love to share more with you about how you could get involved. There's a huge need - hundreds of millions of people worldwide are dying without ever having heard of what Jesus did for them. I usually don't like posting my e-mail address online, but you can get in touch with me at (EMAIL ADDRESS DELETED) I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to direct you to get involved in missions somehow - whether it be short term, long term, or just praying for missionaries. I really appreciate some of the posts on your blog regarding your walk with the Lord and how important it is to you. Maybe this is the time the Lord is calling you to get even more involved in proclaiming His love!

Please feel free to drop by our blog anytime: Goingintoalltheworld

Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger Goingintoalltheworld said...

My husband already posted a comment to you but I just also wanted to say thank you for what you shared. I grew up in in America all my life and know how hard it is to give it all up to go overseas to a place that may not even have running water. It's a challange that God has given me and given me the strength to accept it. He trully is a great, loving, and a patient God(I can be pretty slow in my growing sometimes). Thank you again.

Sunday, November 27, 2005 4:10:00 PM  

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